Camp WiFiver Update

Our unique virtual camp experience, Camp WiFiver, started last month and we are currently in session two!  We are thrilled by the feedback we’ve received from Fiver families, and we know that in the midst of uncertainty, community can never be canceled! Our Fiver team has worked for weeks to make the experience personalized, interactive, and fun for each child. With 15 staff residing on our campgrounds, and volunteers from around the world, we are live streaming programs, workshops, and classes daily to our participants. We’ve launched an innovative website that provides all the amenities of camp digitally. While many organizations struggle with virtual fatigue this summer, Camp WiFiver has had over 75% of participants return for session 1 & 2. 

It Starts with a Special Delivery: Before their session begins, all Fiver youth receive a personalized camper care package in the mail complete with a schedule, materials for their classes, a camp t-shirt, a book to read with their cabin, a new backpack, a hand-written note from our camp director and much more.

A Day at Camp WiFiver: A Camp WiFiver day kicks off with live-streamed morning announcements featuring all of the typical Fiver rituals that kids know and love.  Youth collaborate with cabin mates to lead daily skits, virtually, to teach one another about the character attribute of the day.  From there, kids are automatically guided into cabin meetings with a dedicated counselor who supports their social and emotional development and runs through the daily schedule.  Next, youth take part in back-to-back elective classes.  From hip hop dance to knitting to basketball, kids are getting active, having fun and connecting with peers and role models.  .    

Creek Walks, Campfires and College Tours: Following a break for lunch and a few optional live events such as a virtual walk in the creek, the entire camp session regroups for the evening activity.  The staff have come up with ways to bring interactive campfires, scavenger hunts, and relay races into the bedrooms and living rooms of our youth. Teens continue to benefit from college access guidance and virtual college tours.  Our graduates will celebrate the completion of their ten-year Fiver journey in a live-streamed ceremony that, for the first time, will be open to their relatives at home and the broader Fiver community. 

The Camp WiFiver Website: Whenever they are not engaging in live activities, campers can visit the password-protected Camp WiFiver website to listen to the song of the night (complete with staff choreography), take a tour of former staff member Leah’s Walnut Farm in California, listen to beloved staff members read books to them in The Burrow and so much more. 

What Kids and Parents are saying about Camp WiFiver 

“I love that even through these difficult times Camp WiFiver has brought camp to the home and allowed my son to still feel some sort of camp connection. The everyday interaction and creative activities have truly been amazing.  He brags about basketball class, the scavenger hunt and also feeling like he's there at the creek. Great job on organizing Camp WiFiver!”  Parent of Jaylen, age 10

“Amina cleans a lot more to have an organized atmosphere. She is also becoming more sociable and expressing herself better with peers.”  Parent of Amina, age 9

“Her favorite part is still being able to talk to her friends and getting advice on her future.”  Parent of Brianna, age 17

“I just finished opening my package and I just want to say that the effort and love put into this package is amazing.  It’s going to be a good WiFiver experience!”  Erick, age 17 

“Thank you to all the staff members in Camp WiFiver!  This virtual camp has been such a success and it was all because of you. I’m greatly appreciative of all the work you have put in.”  Khayla, age 17


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